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A woman suffering from dental pain.

A sensitive gag reflex can make it difficult to undergo dental treatments. The necessary access to the mouth can result in choking or coughing that is both uncomfortable for the patient and disruptive to dental procedures. At Restore Dental in Highlands Ranch, our caring dental team can help patients with a severe gag reflex relax during their dental visits to ensure they have access to the best dental care for their smile.

The gag reflex is a normal defense mechanism to protect the airway. If the back of the tongue or top of the throat is aggravated, it can cause coughing or gagging. However, in some people it is over-sensitive, especially when they are tense or stressed. Dental care can trigger a severe gag reflex that can make it difficult to receive routine checkups and cleanings, or any type of dental treatment. Many people with a severe gag reflex may avoid going to the dentist due to their condition, which can lead to more dental problems.

Sedation Options for Relaxed Dental Care

Our dental team is wonderful at helping patients relax and feel at ease during their visits. In some cases, patients with a severe gag reflex can learn to control their reaction, but it can be difficult. Another option is utilizing sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative that is breathed in through the nose during dental care, relaxing the patient and creating a sense of euphoria. For many patients with a sensitive gag reflex, this can be enough to relax them during their dental visits. Others with a more severe gag issue may prefer oral conscious sedation, especially for more invasive or longer procedures.

If you suffer from a severe gag reflex that has made it difficult to receive the dental care you need for a healthy smile, contact us at Restore Dental. We offer a relaxing atmosphere with sedation dentistry options to allow you to feel at ease during your dental visits. To schedule your first exam and cleaning, call our office in Highlands Ranch, CO.

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